If you're like most people, the thought of foundation repair conjures up images of men in overalls with hammers and pry bars, pushing and shoving until your foundation is solid again. However, helical pier technology is changing all that. Helical piers are shafts with helical plates that make them look like giant screws. This shape allows them to be screwed into the ground instead of pushed. They're hydraulically rotated into the ground without applying any force to your foundation, and a pressure gauge system determines when the required depth is met. So how does this help you? Read on to find out!
Helical piers are installed with a helix that's perpendicular to the ground. This helix is what gives helical piers their name, and it makes them look like giant screws which can be screwed into the ground instead of being shoved in at an angle. They're hydraulically rotated into the ground without applying any force to your foundation, and a pressure gauge system determines when the required depth is met. The helix can be very large in diameter so helical piers are often installed through smaller holes or shallow excavations instead of requiring larger trenches for installation like other piering systems do.
The helical plates on helical piers act as blades when the helical pier is screwed into the ground, which increases its ability to cut through soil and reach the load bearing strata. Once this strata is reached, helical plates help support the foundation while transferring weight from it onto stronger material in order to stabilize your house or building without putting too much pressure on any one point like other systems might do. Helical piering systems are designed so that they can withstand extreme loads while also allowing them to be installed quickly and easily in tight spaces with minimal disturbance to landscaping or other structures around the foundation being repaired.
Helical piering systems require professional installation
In order for helical piers to work effectively, there must be some bearing strata below the helix blades. When helical piers are installed into soil that does not contain any bearing strata, it can cause excessive ground displacement as the helix blades cut through this material without transferring load from one point to another. This is why helical piering systems require professional installation and should only be done by an experienced foundation repair specialist who knows how much weight each helical pier can support based on its helix diameter, helix blade length, and other factors such as soil conditions at that particular site. They also need to be able to determine if there are any bearing strata beneath the helical blades so they're not just spinning their wheels when installing helical piers into soft or unstable soils.
If you're in need of foundation repair, helical piers might be the solution for you. Contact a professional helical pier installer to find out more about this technology and how it could benefit your home or building. Helical piers are quickly becoming one of the most popular foundation repair solutions because they're effective, efficient, and cause minimal disturbance to the surrounding area. So why wait? Get started on your helical pier foundation repair today!
If you're in need of a professional helical pier installer, contact us at www.prohelical.com for more information. We offer helical pier installation services throughout the Minneapolis MN area and would be happy to help you get your foundation repaired quickly and easily.
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